(MX) Linkagesound/firstframe/preloader problem

well, i actually have many problems that i need to talk about, but for know ill stick to this one.
if the thread name didnt give it away, i am using MX, and i have sound which i am playing and manipulating the actionscript way. a little problem has come up though, and its driving me crazy because i know its probably something simple. basicly, my preloader doesnt work right, it waits until my sound that is in my library that i have linkaged(i dont even know if thats a real word) out. i think i know what the problem is. when i linkage it, i have export for actionscript and then export in first frame. so what i guess is happening is that, first, the sounds that are linkaged out load, then my preloader starts, which is not good. basicly, how do i go about making it so that my linkage sound is exported to something other then the first frame(like the 3rd frame) or basicly anywhere but the first. i have tried unchecking the export in first frame box, but then i cant even use my sound. anyways, thaks a lot ahead of time for any help.

You can’t. The best way to do it is, since you are using FMX to load the sound dynamically after the main movie has already loaded.


Its the only way…

yeah, that does work, but then you have to wait for the sound to load. anways while i was waiting for response, i looked around the net a bit(for like the millionth time, but i just happened to find an idea that would work this time, after posting a question(why does that always happen)) anyways, what im going to do is have a swf with the all the sounds linkaged in it. and then just loadMovie that swf into my main movie (which will have the loadbar) and then just use all the sound manipulating stuff on my main movie.( i know im not explaining it right, but the idea is that that movieclip(with the external swf which has the sounds) loads with the rest of the movie, while my preloaderis goin. thanks for the help and the link ( i didnt know you could directly loadMovie a plain jpg… or a plain mp3) that will definently come in handy, as for my other questions that have been bothering me for like a week, i magicly figured those out too(aint that always the way, right when you give up and start asken, thats when you find out yourself)

Well the only thing is, you will actually have more control if you load a straigh .MP3 file rather than an .MP3 embeded into a SWF file. Check out this tutorial:


all you will ever need to know about sound in Flash MX.

wow, i cant believe i never got to thier when i was searching flashkit. thanks a lot. i now know how to make fastforward and rewind fr sound. cool.

http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19073 :wink: