[MX]MC Question

I’m using the code below within a movieclip (on frame 1 of the _actions layer) and it’s not working (please assume that the array is setup correctly). I’ve also tried putting the ‘this’ keyword in like this: this[“clip”+i] and no luck. This movieclip is located on the _root timeline.

What am I doing wrong?

this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip"+i, j);
setProperty ("clip"+i, _y, clipYPos);
["clip"+i]["text"+i].html = true;
["clip"+i]["text"+i].selectable = false;
[clip"+i]["text"+i].htmlText += "<font face='Verdana'><u><a href='http://" + listAry[0][9] + "'><b>" + listAry[0][0] + "</b><a/><u></font>";

Also fyi the i and j variables are setup correctly.


You are not using associtive array referencing correctly.
Read this: associative array referencing

claudio, please disregard the associative array, I’m not having problems with that. I’m having problems with naming and referencing the emptyMovieClip and the newTextField

Thats exactly what iam talking about.

Interesting. Thank you.


welcome :slight_smile:

Hmm…I"m still having a problem with this.

I’ve tried this and no luck:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip"+i, j);
setProperty ("clip"+i, _y, clipYPos);
this[clip"+i]["text"+i].htmlText += "Testing 1 2 3";

You are missing a quote on this line:

this["clip"+i]["text"+i].htmlText += "Testing 1 2 3";