I’m using the code below within a movieclip (on frame 1 of the _actions layer) and it’s not working (please assume that the array is setup correctly). I’ve also tried putting the ‘this’ keyword in like this: this[“clip”+i] and no luck. This movieclip is located on the _root timeline.
What am I doing wrong?
this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip"+i, j);
setProperty ("clip"+i, _y, clipYPos);
["clip"+i]["text"+i].html = true;
["clip"+i]["text"+i].selectable = false;
[clip"+i]["text"+i].htmlText += "<font face='Verdana'><u><a href='http://" + listAry[0][9] + "'><b>" + listAry[0][0] + "</b><a/><u></font>";
Also fyi the i and j variables are setup correctly.