I’m having a problem with the photo gallery, being the beginner that I am. I want to load the photo gallery externally because I don’t want the main preloader to load all the pictures that I have. Instead I’ve created a seperate swf file and loaded it in succesfully with its own preloader. The problem is that the arrows I have in the external swf don’t show and the key arrows do not change the photos. Anybody help?
Well, the code already load dynamically the images, so I don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve
Download the source file the tutorial provides and try comparing everything.
Hi. Great site and lovely piece of code. I’d really like to use it, but I’m having some trouble getting certain jpgs to load. I have a bunch of about 20 pictures in the array and only about 5 of them will load, no matter what I do. I’ve tried renaming and moving them about in the array but the same pictures don’t load, every time. Even when I change pixel and resolution size. Please excuse me if this is a stupid question but is there a certain type of jpg that won’t load or any other reason for this? I’d be grateful for any help. Thanks.
.JPG images saved in a progressive format will not load into Flash.
That’s it! Phew. Thanks lostinbeta, you saved me a lot of wasted time. Love your site btw, it’s fab. Keep it up.
No problem
Thanks for the compliment on my site :)!
Hmm, tim, tom, and sarah… I don’t know which to call you…LOL
I am glad you could fix your problem
I had a problem also!
(posted in the wrong forum at first! sorry)
But I am just a beginner also, and I have around 10 images.
And the problem is that I do everything the tutorial says, I even downloaded those examples, but I don’t know whats wrong with my version?
The photos don’t show up? I have no idea why not, I changed it, so that it goes to the proper directory and all, and I edited the extensions, so its like myway.jpg …instead of Image0.jpg … But I do not understand why they don’t come up
Also, there is one photo, out of the 10 that do come up, but it is right at the bottom of the screen? Not in the middle where I placed the box …I even changed the photo’s size and made it smaller, but nothing seems to work …
Any advice?
I am new to flash, and I have a bunch of questions.
But this is the photo gallery thread so here it goes:
Y doesn’t mine work? At all?
The flash movie i made is 850X800
The rectangle for the pictures is 450X338 (size of my photos)
I used the code (edited the dir, and filenames), and when i test it, I don’t even see the rectangle I drew to hold the photos? (or the photos)
My files names are windows xp batch rename s(ie, jw (1).jpg, jw (2).jpg…) does the space in the filename mess it up?
I don’t know. I dl’d the source and everything looks the same.
It’s also, 4 am…hmmmm. Thanks for the help, o yea and this site is awesome
(o yea, sorry for the huge post )
It could be the space and the () in the file name that is messing it up.
Or if you .jpg images are saved in a progressive format, they will not load into flash.
I got the pictures to show up. And it scrolls through them fine in the .swf.
(I think they were progressive)
But the pictures don’t show up in the rect movie clip i made. They show up down and to the right of it?
And i have no idea why…
Also, the scrolling with arrow keys doesn’t seem to work in the html file that flash generates.
Thanks for all your help, and this site is very cool.
This is a common misconception in the tutorial. You should use an empty move clip because the clip you are loading attaches its upper left corner to the registration point of the clip it is loading into.
So you can just use an empty movie clip and drag it to a position where the upper left corner of your images will be. Then on a new layer (or the same) you can draw your rectangle.
hi, i love the photo gallery, but is there any code that will allow me to have thumbnails in the gallery so users can click on an enlarged image???
Thanks in advance