okay, i have a preloader in the first few frames. when i test it all it does is load the movie and then run the preloader. can someone help?
Do you have a gotoAndPlay action if the movie is fully loaded so it can proceed to play the whole thing?
If you are previewing your movie inside Flash, it should skip right over your preloader.
yes i know but if after the movie starts playing you press (PC) crtl+enter it will simulate as if playing from the internet.
Yes, and through this it won’t go past your preloader?
That would make no sense as CTRL+Enter the first time plays your movie, including those first frames, but it usually is fully loaded so you don’t see them they go by so fast.
Are you using any huge files such as video or sound that could be weighing your file size down?
Can you post the code you are using for the preloader?
okay the movie is like a sound player thingy and i have all the sounds playing using actionscript, so i think the problem is is that it’s loading up all the exported sound files and then loading the movie because i checked ‘export in first frame’! but then when i take it off the sounds don’t work any more! how do i get around this?
Dynamically load your sounds I suppose :-\
Not sure
Dynamically loading things in MX and Flash 5 can be found there. MP3s are towards the bottom.
well…i suppose that’ll work but that means that i haveta load up all those sound files up on my site. oh well, i’ll figure something out.
thx for all your help!
are they full songs or just short sound loops?
If they are sound loops then they shouldn’t be that big, but if they are full songs, then that is a bad idea for a site anyway :-\ (unless dynamically loaded)
they’re sound loops so they’re not that bad, i think. i made them myself so i think some of them are a little heavy, i’m not sure… They’re acutally one my other computer so i’ll just see later
You can lower the quality of them inside flash. This changes the sound, but also lowers your file size.
i don’t think i can lower the quality if i load them dynamically and even if i could i don’t think that would accomplish much since i’m mainly just concerned about my site memory (2mb).
I mean if you imported them into Flash as you have them now.
You can go into the library, right click on the file, go to properties and adjust the quality of the file.
alright, well i think i’ll just load the sounds dynamically. thanks again for all your help
Sorry I couldn’t help more
no no no it’s alright, i think loading my sounds dynamically was the only way to do it and i don’t think the sounds loops are really that big to worry about.