I’ve got a link here for the flash file I’m working on.
What I’m trying to accomplish is creating faux control ability. It just needs to look like there’s user input.
The specifics:
to the right of the screen is a window with 6 tabs that you can drag. I want the window above the tabs to have green bars that increase vertically as you drag up and decrease as you drag down. I thought I would be able to asign variables of position1, ""2, ""3, etc. Then set up a <= if then statement to say:
if tab1_mc is less than 280 px for it’s _y then tell greenbar1_mc to gotoAndStop(3);
That didn’t work, so, I figured I could just forget the var’s and set up some AS that can constantly get the value of the tab1_mc’s _y and then go through an if then AS that would tell the greenbar1_mc to gotoAndStop(respective frame);
Any ideas? I was looking in the AS Cookbook and AS for Flash MX books, but no luck.