fadein is the movieclip everything is being loaded to.
percent = dynamic text field with the instance name of percent
Doesn’t show the percent loaded or anything, all it shows is “Loaded” when the text is finished, i even added like 900 components to make sure u NEED the preloader. anyone got any ideas what i did wrong?
main = [b_home, b_about, b_contact];
mainURL = ["home.swf", "about.swf", "contact.swf"];
sub = [b_logotype, b_graphic, b_web, b_interactive, b_print];
subURL = ["logotype.swf", "graphic.swf", "web.swf", "interactive.swf", "print.swf"]
//main links
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mclL:Object = new Object();
mclL.onLoadProgress = function(target,loaded,total) {
precent.text = Math.round((loaded / total) * 100) + "%";
mclL.onLoadComplete = function() {
percent.text = "Loaded";
main[0].onRelease = function() {
fadein._x = 210;
fadein._y = 55;
mcl.loadClip(mainURL[0], fadein)