[MX2004]Preloader Help (Newbie)

Hi, sorry to ask about something so basic as a preloader, but mine has been giving me trouble.

  I am using code I wrote in Flash 5 but it ought to work fine in MX04 (it looks like the same code in various [tutorials](http://webdesign.templatemonster.com/category/flash/tutorials/how_to_create_advanced_preloader.1211.html) I've looked at). The preloader I am using is in the first scene, and the actual movie clip sequence is in scene 2. The code I am using is as follows:

      total_bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
      loaded_bytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();
      remaining_bytes = total_bytes-loaded_bytes;
      percent_done = int((loaded_bytes/total_bytes)*100);
      ifFrameLoaded ("Main", 1) {

Now, the problem I am having is that when the user loads the SWF in the browser, it still loads the entire file without showing the preloader. I’ve used the same code elsewhere and it worked fine.

  The particular file I am referring to is: [http://www.forma3.com/stuff/flash/FS%20Flash%20Advert%20-%20Slides%20-%20v1.1.8.swf](http://www.forma3.com/stuff/flash/FS%20Flash%20Advert%20-%20Slides%20-%20v1.1.8.swf)
  (Check out [http://www.forma3.com/stuff/flash/](http://www.forma3.com/stuff/flash/) for all the successful attempts I've had, ack.)

I intentionally stopped it at the preloader because otherwise it would simply download completely and then go to scene 2. I am hesistant to post the FLA because this is for a client, but I suppose I could send to someone who can help.

  Thanks so much and sorry it this is a really basic question.