My 1.24 Megabyte Flash File

For those who watch it, might wanna make the window smaller to reduce… bluriness. I don’t know how to make a flash thingy stay one size.

LMFAO XXVIII! I just read through your conversation with SmarterChild, I did the same thing with Agent Reuters, I forgot they existed!

That was hysterical.

lol you’re doing vimy ridge?
i did it last semister… boy do i hate history :-\

We’re done it, this is a project thing.

I love history, but only because of my ultra-awesome teacher. I’d go into more details, but it’s too long of a list.

Let’s just say… he drives tanks, he’s 24, and he’s funny as hell.

Lucky. My teacher was a, well, total idiot. Ask B-dawg about him, he too was in my history class :-\

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**LMFAO XXVIII! I just read through your conversation with SmarterChild, I did the same thing with Agent Reuters, I forgot they existed!

That was hysterical. **

lol, thank you
i do what i can

and about the history teachers… mine is a retard with a mullet… i hate him soo much

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**For those who watch it, might wanna make the window smaller to reduce… bluriness. I don’t know how to make a flash thingy stay one size. **

go to file, publish settings, html then in the dimensions tab make sure you set it to match movie this will allow the movie to remain in the size you created it and it wont be resized :wink:

I wanna host your stuff, my server is in Frankfurt Germany ! Are you from Europe ? :smiley:

If you wanna, send me mail

laughs I’ll hit you guys up next time I need something on the web.

'Till then, thanks a bunch 28.

C!rYx, thanks again, but 28’s already hosting it.
I’m from Canada. :smiley:

no problem aislin:beam:

if i would have seen this earlier… im in idaho if you ever need something temporary.