My 1.24 Megabyte Flash File

Needs hosting for about a week. And it has to be reliable. It won’t be getting much traffic at all, just a few teachers.

Is anybody willing to lend me that much space? I’ll give you credit in the thing, and a link to your site and all that…


ill do it
email it to

i would of done it, but my space is limited, i just got a warning saturday about my space. :frowning:

alex, you seriously need to change hosts… yours sucks

i know, but i already paid for a year at the place i am at.

When I get hosting (hopefully soon) I’m just gonna ask EG or Kirupa what to get.


Your inbox is too full for me to send it to you… :frowning:

aislin email me ill hook you up is a good hosting company.

email it to me then:
i think my server is reliable, although maybe not as fast as real pro ones… (but it is much better then tripod, geocities and all that shi-t

thanks grim, but XXVIII is already doing it. He just had to empty out some stuff from his hotmail inbox.

I never really like hotmail. 'Til I get a website though, I think I’ll settle for it.

i sent u a pm about it aislin :wink:
pinx, ipowerweb kicks ***, thats what i use

mmmh I post a reply and there are 2 proposal prior to mine…
I really got to improve my typing speed :beam:

k well if you have problems i got unlimited storage so let me know

i was looking at the ipowerweb side and here’s what i saw in the products sold (web hosting):

UPS Power Back-up, Diesel Back-up Generator

what the ???!?!

Alright, thanks Grim.

Hey people that use IpowerWeb.

How much would it cost to get started. I know that if I had a website with nothing on it, I’d get my *** in gear and make one. Incentive, I guess it’s called.

So, I don’t have a domain or anything… So domain plus like. maybe a year hosting. How much would that be?

96 bucks… with 400 mb space, 30 gig transfer and a free domain or w/e
its amazing… everything u need
up to date sql, php, perl… its awesome

btw, that movie is funny

do you have the URL ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, it’s a thing that’s supposed to explain Vimy Ridge to kids in like, Grade 1. It’s going to like, three classes. :stuck_out_tongue:

now the rest of us want to see the movie :slight_smile:

Post it so we can have a look!

Oh, yes, you gave me the URL. Dur.
The thingy didn’t pop up and say “you have a message!” this time.
