Needs hosting for about a week. And it has to be reliable. It won’t be getting much traffic at all, just a few teachers.
Is anybody willing to lend me that much space? I’ll give you credit in the thing, and a link to your site and all that…
Needs hosting for about a week. And it has to be reliable. It won’t be getting much traffic at all, just a few teachers.
Is anybody willing to lend me that much space? I’ll give you credit in the thing, and a link to your site and all that…
ill do it
email it to
i would of done it, but my space is limited, i just got a warning saturday about my space.
alex, you seriously need to change hosts… yours sucks
i know, but i already paid for a year at the place i am at.
Your inbox is too full for me to send it to you…
aislin email me ill hook you up is a good hosting company.
email it to me then:
i think my server is reliable, although maybe not as fast as real pro ones… (but it is much better then tripod, geocities and all that shi-t
thanks grim, but XXVIII is already doing it. He just had to empty out some stuff from his hotmail inbox.
I never really like hotmail. 'Til I get a website though, I think I’ll settle for it.
i sent u a pm about it aislin
pinx, ipowerweb kicks ***, thats what i use
mmmh I post a reply and there are 2 proposal prior to mine…
I really got to improve my typing speed :beam:
k well if you have problems i got unlimited storage so let me know
i was looking at the ipowerweb side and here’s what i saw in the products sold (web hosting):
UPS Power Back-up, Diesel Back-up Generator
what the ???!?!
Alright, thanks Grim.
How much would it cost to get started. I know that if I had a website with nothing on it, I’d get my *** in gear and make one. Incentive, I guess it’s called.
So, I don’t have a domain or anything… So domain plus like. maybe a year hosting. How much would that be?
96 bucks… with 400 mb space, 30 gig transfer and a free domain or w/e
its amazing… everything u need
up to date sql, php, perl… its awesome
btw, that movie is funny
do you have the URL ?
Thanks, it’s a thing that’s supposed to explain Vimy Ridge to kids in like, Grade 1. It’s going to like, three classes.
now the rest of us want to see the movie
Post it so we can have a look!
Oh, yes, you gave me the URL. Dur.
The thingy didn’t pop up and say “you have a message!” this time.
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