My 2 Designs:

These 2 images are 2 interfaces which i have designed latly - i am imporving so much in my multimedia now as im putting alot more effort into it. Im going to try work on my flash skills more though:

Any comments on these wouuld be appreciated…

for those who sore this interface below it has been changed slightly from the old one - this one doesnt have blurry edges and is much more defined than the other one…

Comments are welcome - Thank You Ben…

i’m still not really into the gradients or bevel, but i think the blue one’s better than the pink.

Something about the first one just doesn’t strike right with me. Maybe it’s the navigation or the colors used for certain sections/fonts.
The second one looks awesome though. It’s very sleek and the colors work well. The pink doesn’t bother me at all.

Thanx - Guys!!

I don’t like both of them. Here is why:

Both of them are just using the bevel in the layer options. This requires little effort and doesn’t look good imo. I can say this because I used to do the same thing. Try something different, like a different technique. You’ll be surprised that if you do you’ll come up with something great.:wink:

The Layout:

#1: This layout is, well, it needs work. The navigation box is to big for the actual nav making it seem too bulky for what it is. This makes for a distastful design. Try either bigger text or smaller box. The font for the nav also does not fit in there. Again I used to make the same designs.

#2: The layout out here is alittle better. I like the nav more than the firsts. But where are you going to put your content. If you use the whole bottom area for text it will look ugly. If you do put some graphics in there you will have to align them perfectly to make it look right.

Well I am done. There is my 2 cents and my crits. Hope this helps.

Second one is much bettter… GJ Mate