My 3D gamecube

Copy any paste that link. I made this with Swift 3D.

That is excellent.

Keep up the good work… we need more high quality GC artists out there :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, very good indeed.

you made it on v3??

No, it was made with v2.

Thanks for the compliments.

too bad gamecube stinks :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I am not a gigantic nintendo fan, I do have to disagree with that. I enjoy going over my friends house and playing his GC rather than his PS2 :-\

It is all personal preference.

*Originally posted by jadedchron *
**too bad gamecube stinks :stuck_out_tongue: **

I must agree with lost, Camecube rocks, it has very interesting games (Resident Evil!!, mighty!!) And the gamecube is also quit good for multiplayer. You just plug in the 4 controllers and you can play! while on a playstation you have to buy a expansion set to play with 4 (at least on playstation 1)

However this is just a personal opinion, like lost said

I myself am a gamecube fan, however this topic is about my 3D gamecube… :wink:

HAHA, see how easily threads get off topic around here :stuck_out_tongue: