Copy any paste that link. I made this with Swift 3D.
That is excellent.
Keep up the good work… we need more high quality GC artists out there
Seriously though, very good indeed.
you made it on v3??
No, it was made with v2.
Thanks for the compliments.
too bad gamecube stinks
Although I am not a gigantic nintendo fan, I do have to disagree with that. I enjoy going over my friends house and playing his GC rather than his PS2 :-\
It is all personal preference.
*Originally posted by jadedchron *
**too bad gamecube stinks**
I must agree with lost, Camecube rocks, it has very interesting games (Resident Evil!!, mighty!!) And the gamecube is also quit good for multiplayer. You just plug in the 4 controllers and you can play! while on a playstation you have to buy a expansion set to play with 4 (at least on playstation 1)
However this is just a personal opinion, like lost said
I myself am a gamecube fan, however this topic is about my 3D gamecube…
HAHA, see how easily threads get off topic around here