so recently we have been very slow at work… i have been doing image searching for about 3 weeks now, and it is boring me to death. one day, i saw a co-workers coat sitting there and no one was a round, so i hid the coat and laughed as he went around looking for it… then, as i was talking to another co-worker i slipped their mouse pad into my shirt and then put it into some one elses desk, a scarf was sitting on an unattended desk, and now it’s in some one elses desk drawer, i have just recently switched around two co-workers desk items, all of them, except for their computers and that is temping me right now…
in tribute to Office Space i have hidden some one’s red stappler, and switched around our department sign with the recycling sign… i haven’t been caught yet, and the more i do it the more i want to, i have started into a bad cycle… LOL :stunned: