My computer asplode

Wow, i think a few of you know that i have been having troubles installing my new motherboard/processor. Well, here’s the scoop. We got it working, then after about 3 days my C: drive blew. That sucked. The big one. Most of the stuff on there is no biggie. But, photoshop (Which is hard to replace because it is… not… on a … cd) got wiped, and so did all of my settings, all my fonts, EVERYTHING!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
At least my games and art are ok though.

That’s too bad. Poor PS.

Man, that’s why you shouldn’t steal software. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shh… you don’t know that.

Lol, you pretty much told us. :te:

AHHH! YOu’re too smart for me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmn, wonder where it came from then :stuck_out_tongue:

:h: Was installed when he got the PC maybe? You can take it to the store and they’ll install it again for you! :}



Let’s all quit picking on our favorite little green pirate :pirate3:


try thats my guess where he could hav got it, might be [url=“”] not sure


Haha, suprnova records your IP or something… I don’t know. I’m not a warez-fan, it makes me full of guilt!

I already have it again. You guys think to much, all you have to do is download the 30 day TRIAL, and then hack it. :wink: Heh.

This probably isn’t the place to give anyone any ideas…

But what if it was? Wouldn’t that be grand?

There are plenty of other forums around to give you ideas.

Remember, this is Kommunism here! :!:

Hail the kirupa!
