You won’t hear much from me anymore in the next month or so at least,
full story here:
Sorry guys, consider this as an extended away, I hope I’ll be back asap.
You won’t hear much from me anymore in the next month or so at least,
full story here:
Sorry guys, consider this as an extended away, I hope I’ll be back asap.
ouch! And I thought my bee sting was bad!
Hope all turns out well
… you know, come to think of it. Earlier today I turned on my laptop for a quick look at something in Flash MX04 (7.2). Thats all I had open and opened only that since I turned the machine on. I moved over to another computer next to it to look at something else and my laptop just shut off. “What?!?” It started back up ok, seemingly at least. I just turned it off after that but… maybe… just maybe… the 7.2 is bugged? Did MM ship 7.2 with a virus? Wouldnt that be nice.
Ouch indeed !
If it helps, I’ve had something similar to this, though it wasn’t as bad as the drive completely disappearing. However it might be useful to know what I did against it. This is what happened: I just got the computer my parents used because they bought a new one. It’s faster than my old one so I graciously accepted the offer. So I install the whole thing, and in the login screen where you can select users, I go to my account. Later, I do a quick user switch.
Right at the time where I should have been in the logon window, poof, screen goes black, nothing. It’s dead. So I do a cold reboot, and when it starts booting, I get a wave of fear - a BSOD ! It told me my hard drive boot sector was damaged. Appaerantly resetting during a quick user change wasn’t a good idea. At first I thought it’d go away with some reboots but it stayed.
So here’s what I did - I took out the HD, and plugged it into my brother’s computer. There, I used a program I found on the internet to recover the data that wasn’t damaged and put it safe and sound on my brother’s computer. I ran some more diagnosis tools, but nothing really helped. So I went out on a quest to find out what to do in case of a damaged boot sector. In the end I had to rewrite the MBR - Master Boot Record. Quite dangerous, but it sure fixed my HD.
Anyway, what I want to say with this whole story is to take it out and plug it into another computer, and try to recover data from the other computer. Run diagnosis and recovery tools on it until you know what the problem is, then search for a specific solution to that problem. Good luck.
Ai - that is unfortunate eyez. Hope you trouble"shoot" your computer, recover the data, and come back soon :cap:
Recovering data as we speak to the old drive… one of the 2, the smaller one, so far from done…
Voets, what’s those diagnoses tools you speak about, and how do you rewrite the MBR? My geek factor is too low for that, and as far as data saving goes, as I only got one comp’, I’m stuck with switching drives to get the data, which means, save from one, power down, open, switch drives, save from the other, wipe the old drive © clean and try to reinstall Win … and all the rest of it. I called my wife earlier on, and she told me on friday, when she checked the mails before leaving for a week, same thing happened: it wouldn’t shut down, so she switched it off by pulling the plug… so I guess/hope it’s not the Flash updater, as all comments I read before installing were positive. Hope for you, sen’…
I’ll be around just a lil’ bit more untill I remove this working drive and start reinstall.
Any tips on any folders I really shouldn’t forget, you know, like stuff in Docs and Settings, FTP logins or whatever?
Thanks for your support guys, and remember: BACK UP!!
Well this situation is different than the damaged boot record, I don’t think you need to do rewrite it. Can you go over to a friend’s house to plug it in there ?
ok, now here’s something weird…
As I was saving data from this one HD (done), I go to My Comp and check the 2 drives partitions.
Now I realise that the XP I’m using is still the one I was trying to boot to, it’s in fact not on my rescue HD (which holds only win2k), but it is the one I was (trying to) us(e)ing before!? It is back to all defaults with the nice green lawn, no softs show up as installed (but they show up in programm files!?), it works so far, as the drive is installed as slave (D) and I got a boot prompt if I wanna boot from 2k or XP… what the hell is going on here? Anyway, guess I’ll wipe it just the same.
Update: the software is all there, it’s as if the registry got wiped, they all are “not registered” anymore + Win back to it’s 1st use settings, no idea what happened, can a power off destroy the registry and can this make the drive unrecognizable on boot…? I wish I was a M$ engineer…or what else happened here?
I’ll check into that tomorrow, time to sleep. c ya’ll
Ow, you gotta watch out for that registry wipe. It could very well be a virus, that could have caused the whole crash.
You say you’re stuck with a 4MB drive??? How can you survive with 4MB?? :huh:
Ouch eyez, sounds like a mess. I would offer help but I am a Mac man myself.
Good luck!
Ok, here’s news, and it’s getting weirder!!
I finished saving all my data, everytime booting to the (previous C, now) D drive with Win XP.
Now, don’t know why, tried to boot to the rescue Win2k on C:/ … and get the same blue screen-drive not found error!?
Reboot, check setup, both drives are there and correctly recognised (manufacturer, size…).
Power off, switch drives so XP is C: again and the old one becomes D/ :
the comp’ boots to pre-disaster state without any warning, looks same as ever, desktop with wallpaper and all icons back, software works, everything!
I have absolutely no idea what’s going on here, what do you guys think, should I still waste a day and reinstall the whole mess, or “if it ain’t (looking) broken, don’t fix it”?
ok, let me try and reboot, see what happens… no news means bad news
Update: it switched off & rebooted without any problems!? What to do…?
Run a virus scan !
already running
Glad you fixed it, Eyez!
Congrats! Thats super - any data lost?
Not as far as I can see, and Norton only found some spyware stuff… still works so far…
[complete n00b]Could it be a problem with some cables, maybe?[/complete n00b]
Anyway, glad you fixed it (well, glad it fixed itself, rather :))
2.not as glad as I am, believe me!! It still works 100% today, so stress is slowly going down… untill next time. At least, all backed up now
OT: wow, just saw this on my site:
“Who’s Online
We have 37 guests online and 1 member online”
I’m impressed, 1 member is me, 37 guests tho’?! Never seen that many visitors at once before!
Will you believe me that I emailed Colin Moock about a review copy of EAS2, and the guy really sent me one? Currently reading, so expect a AS2/classes etc -n00b review soon
[SIZE=3]I’m back in business!![/SIZE]
Sweet stuff eyez! Thats great that he sent a copy!
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