My Dreamcatcher Review

Well we got to the theatre and while standing in line we saw these signs that we couldn’t figure out. They all said “absolutely no refunds on the movie Dreamcatcher” now if you are like me you start to think “ok, what’s so bad about this movie that people are asking for their money back?”. I mean – I didn’t ask for my money back after seeing Master of Disguise, how could this be any worse!?

To my surprise it was because people were buying tickets for this movie just to see the first Animatrix movie and then after it was over, leaving and getting a refund for their tickets. I was hyped when I heard that was going to be playing – what a bonus!

Well for anyone that hasn’t seen the new animatrix short it’s fantastic. The CG is beyond anything I have seen – even better than the final fantasy movie, breathtaking. I am more excited for the sequels now than I was before (if that’s even possible) I recommend going to and checking some more out on the film.

Now onto the movie we went for – The Dreamcatcher. This is the first movie in a long while I hadn’t gone in to see it after reading reviews and a synopsis on what it was about. I pretty much went in knowing it was only a Stephen King movie and that it would be scary. I am not going to ruin this for anyone or give any of the story away so don’t worry. All I can say is – I thought it was going to be a comedy after the first while or so. I wasn’t scared once! That was until the turning point of the movie though – after that, it got real good (and a little gross). So as to not give anything else away I will stop my review with this – I recommend this movie, I had a great time and would rent it again when it comes out on DVD. The special FX are very good and used sparingly. I feel that after seeing this and many other Stephen King movies if the man ever snaps and goes insane, he should be put in a cage because what goes on in his head is not normal :slight_smile:

3 ½ out of 5

Tuknuk liked it!


two mittens up!



It won’t be over here for a while. boohoo