Hello and thanks for coming here:)
Every now end then when I get bored I start to create a new site in flash.
I gues I have had tons of projects wich never have finished! I get bored with the site I work on, get new ideas and start on a new one. But now, finaly… I’ve done something that I will try to stick with. Its not 100% finished yet, I still have some work to do and some problems to fix, but at least its online and you can get a decent look at how its going to be:) The site is created with flash only.
Please take a look and also give me some usefull advice:)
[COLOR=Red]Copy and paste–> [/COLOR]http://www.sicdes.frac.dk
[COLOR=Red]to do list:
[]Do some graphics on the first part of the site. Now its just plain grey
[]Add stuff to the portfolio and make the thumbs work [COLOR=DarkRed]DONE![/COLOR]
[]Fix all blured/bad quality text
[]Do rollover’s on the portfolio buttons! [COLOR=DarkRed]DONE![/COLOR][/LIST]Hope you find the site OK/good enough, cause Im not a professional or anything!