I was going in some tutorials and decided to get a image and make it old and messy.
I got this picture of a girl, found on disk.
put it in Ps and startet with old brushes…etc
tell me what you think of this one.
Over and Out :beam:
I was going in some tutorials and decided to get a image and make it old and messy.
I got this picture of a girl, found on disk.
put it in Ps and startet with old brushes…etc
tell me what you think of this one.
Over and Out :beam:
You should make her lips black
good idea
I will edit it in a moment :crazy:
im not that pro. in ps but I did not like the look of the black lips so I made this. she is sic and her lips are black with some virus dots. :sure:
muddy girl - bad girl bad !
nice pic =)
nice restoration work! :thumb:
wow! amazing work, though I prefer the non-black lips version - the black lips are too distracting - you should avoid taking the emphasis off the eyes
BlastBoy, I like the grungy marks you’ve made
on the second one, it looks like you used a brush to make her lips darker. It would probably look better if you made a selection and adjusted the colour.
Yeah, the lips need to be darker. They are still too reddish.
no! get rid of lip darkening altogether! it looks much better in the first/second pics
I love the pink lips contrast the darkness, especially round the eyes
“stay with me” :love:
what’s that, norwegean? swedish?
Remarkably similar to danish
you: “bli hos meg”
danish: “bliv hos mig”
blastboy thats great. the colors and textures are nice. glad your getting into the art side of photoshop =)
first one looks great. i think the dark lips take away from the picture so id leave them out.
i can’t see them!
You realy dont whant to see the black lips on her.
The image gets bad.
And yes it said “stay with me” in Norwegian. :love:
You can see the picture from this adress
http://www.home.no/millad/photo/bli hos meg.gif
http://www.home.no/millad/photo/bli hos meg2.gif
sorry but i was severly bored lsat night so i had a go at manipulating the image, i am quite pleased with it, but what do you think…
cool. make the grid blend in a little more
that’s hot dude. I really like the effect the grid gives it… looks awesome. High fahf!
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