Portrait of Girl

What do you guys think for my first PS endeavor into painting people?

I’m sure the colors/shading are off. I’m terrible at those. I’d like to get better though, so any comments to make this a better and more interesting picture. Thanks.

one thing I can say off the bat:

make her top lip and bottom lip curl to the same point instead of up, she reminds me of the joker

I think her [COLOR=Silver]left[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]RIGHT[/COLOR] eye is a little too small…

Edit: :lol: I need to go back to preschool

Needs more volume!

For a first attempt - it’s not too shabby … what are you using as far as tools?

Will do.

[QUOTE=redelite;2356554]I think her [COLOR=Silver]left[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]RIGHT[/COLOR] eye is a little too small…[/quote]I was trying to add proportion. Maybe you’re right though. I’ll play with it.

Edit: :lol: I need to go back to preschool
Could you get me a juicebox?

[QUOTE=darkmotion;2356570]Needs more volume![/QUOTE]What do you mean? (and please reply since you’re quite possibly the best artist here) Also, I was curious what your take on the colors are. I’d like to add an interesting background too. I wonder what would contrast well.

[QUOTE=BoonDock;2356609]…what are you using as far as tools?[/QUOTE]Illustrator for the original sketch (just for smooth lines really), then Photoshop: Brush + Dodge/Burn.

hair is flat

good start

What do you mean? (and please reply since you’re quite possibly the best artist here) Also, I was curious what your take on the colors are. I’d like to add an interesting background too. I wonder what would contrast well.

You want to be aware of ‘shape to plane’, which essentially is a simplification you can make to better define the direction and a volume has in space.

The best way to learn it with the human head is to look at references, as well as feeling your own face to figure out how things sit.

Shade the planes to match the direction light hits it, and then smooth it out into something organic.


Nice site.
I’m sure you have a ton of work to do, but I learn best from challenges. Would you be interested in letting me know what you’re working on and I’ll see what I can do and learn from some of your stuff as we go?

My nose is about to break off in your arse.

Edit: teamgt.com is pretty awesome too.

The best? pfft … he’s alright I guess. :wink:

Dark is #1! :thumb:

Anybody who can draw this beautiful piece of art absolutely IS the best. And don’t forget it.

He is a professional. :rich:

Edit: I wonder if I’ll ever receive a K-emmy for the most misused smileys.:write:

Bloody hell Shane, I never realised how good DM was until I saw that :smiley:

Incidentally - not bad for a first try, but one thing you must do immediately is change that lilac background :smiley:

I drew that with my left lady paw!!!

// I might have another sessions of this!

[QUOTE=w1sh;2356979]Nice site.
I’m sure you have a ton of work to do, but I learn best from challenges. Would you be interested in letting me know what you’re working on and I’ll see what I can do and learn from some of your stuff as we go?

My nose is about to break off in your arse.

Edit: teamgt.com is pretty awesome too.[/QUOTE]

:lol:Hahahaha. I’m actually writing a series of tutorials on drawing (some of which will appear in vectortuts.com in the next few days). Check those out, but if you want to check out some progressional work, hit up my flickr: Pasquale D'Silva | Flickr . I’ll start annotating things more :grin:

[quote=darkmotion;2357241]I drew that with my left lady paw!!!

// I might have another sessions of this!

:lol:Hahahaha. I’m actually writing a series of tutorials on drawing (some of which will appear in vectortuts.com in the next few days). Check those out, but if you want to check out some progressional work, hit up my flickr: http://flickr.com/darkmotion . I’ll start annotating things more :grin:[/quote]

No kdding? Vectortuts? Nice, I might follow one or two then :stuck_out_tongue:

Better than i would ever be able to do. I r dumb in ways of drawing :frowning:


very good for a first attempt. I see what you were going for with the right eye but it is a little too small - things in perspective come out sort of shortened rather than straight-out small. the first key to drawing is looking at things - take a photo and model after it, and look at the photo really really hard. think ‘which areas are lighter and which are darker?’ ‘what are the relative lengths and widths of different parts?’ here’s something I mucked up in corel draw (only ever made 2 attempts, must get back to it…)

attempt 1
attempt 2

as you can see I’m no artist (got nothing on dark for sure :D) but I did spend a fair amount of time staring at those two photos… you can also see I got sloppy in the details - the eyelashes are horrible on both of them, for instance…

as you can see I’m no artist (got nothing on dark for sure :D) but I did spend a fair amount of time staring at those two photos… you can also see I got sloppy in the details - the eyelashes are horrible on both of them, for instance…[/QUOTE]

Actually, the best way for you to fix that is to remove the detail! If you block in the lashes as a single mass, and maybe break it up 3-4 times, it will feel a lot more volumetric, but still delicate! :slight_smile:

mm, good advice. I’ll try that.

Not too shabby Celandine. It’s not vector though is it? You did that in photoshop right?