My first attempt at "art"

I have the strangest feeling i’m going to be visiting this forum more often from now…

Anyway, I was playing around with photoshop trying out different backdrops for my site. I was thinking of something with a majority of white in the pic, but i ended up using black instead.

please critique me! i suck at art and i don’t have any more ideas for this pic. any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advanced!


it looks real nice for a bg!

I don’t think I would change anything… a little dark, but for a bg that should do fine…

Nice work!


I think it belongs in some anatomy video talking about things in your blood and this and that - like its either tissue and you’re moving through it… or some kind of liquid the globs together - but it looks very organic, or very Im looking at this under an electron-microscope kind of thing. Its cool :slight_smile:

it looks like a height map for mountains or something. i think its really cool esp if its a bg. should work out nice. mind telling me how you did it?

that will make a great background


that will make a wicked BG dude! Its a little dark though (guess thats godd for a background), you might want to accentuate to edges a little though, they are a little hard to see right now.

Maybe you could put your name or website address somewhere on the pic? Would make a cool promotional type image!

Sorry about the darkness. I’m working on my laptop which, naturally, has a bright screen. I’ll have to remember to keep it brighter next time. My next pic is mostly white on the other hand…just a few more touch ups and i’ll post it.

i love every inch of it!!!

Nice work…
Looks like somebody spit in my coffee :stuck_out_tongue: