Need a few opinions

Was bored and decided I would start some portfolio work for my new site. Anyway, tell me what u think of my background…

Tell me whatcha think ;D

Sort of has a military/organic feel to it. It’s nice, and definitely looks like a background.

I guess the real stickler would be figuring out how to display content on top of that.


hmm dont see a place you can put text with out it being lost in te bgrd. But it is a nice piece o work…would probably be better as a desktop…but keep going I would love to see the final

he meant…i think…

that he is working on portfolio content for his site…
when he said “background” he meant wallpaper

at least that’s how it struck me…

ye, I was confused as to whether he planned to use it in his site, or just as a portfolio piece :slight_smile: Nice work either way - might be a bit large for use in a site :wink:

Ya its just a wallpaper, and text is easily placed over it :wink:

It was just a test of my digital camera at macro mode, so i took a shot of the football, and went from there.

what kind of camera do you have? :q:

I think it looks really good :slight_smile:

Fuji FinePix 3800

hmm I am thinking about making a second bg but take a close up of my hockey pucks …
