LOL I dont know if you guys like my first 3d image made with C4D.
I dont know what it is ;(
LOL I dont know if you guys like my first 3d image made with C4D.
I dont know what it is ;(
Very intresting… looks nice, kinda small but still nice!
'no comment!
I like it…
the glow too it is nice… good job for your first work =)
The good old spike balls…hahaha
That looks pretty cool, Blast!
Im trying to creat something else.
EG I will be very good at this someday lol :beam:
No doubt, you’ll be even better than me.
well then he will need to practice
[SIZE=1]please don’t get angry at me Blastboy [/SIZE]
i have this as desktop
it cool :A+:
Blastboy, what program did you use to make your footer?
hehe cool. you cant really see the detail though, so it kinda looks 2d, zoom in a bit then render. cool though
Master64 :- Im using it toooo lol and I removed the EG logo/text on it. :bad:
For my footer, I did not create it, I found the image from a old hardisk. I will post it soon I find it.
lol I did not know my footer was so sexy :love:
Thanx all
nice work ! So what is it
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**The good old spike balls…hahaha**
LOL like the electric guy said :chinaman:
cool little glowing spiky-thingy! I love it!
and electrongeek: your footer is too sweet! I can’t watch!
Thanks Syko. =)
I just realized your footer has random quotes. cool. =)
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