Here is my first render, actually it was a pretty good one, until I started messing around with it in ps ;p
Tell me what you think of it…
Here is my first render, actually it was a pretty good one, until I started messing around with it in ps ;p
Tell me what you think of it…
The background circles look a little jagged, but the centre… thing… sorry, can’t think of a dcent word to describe it, looks very nice. Good colour, too.
Here is the originall render ;p
Now <i>that</i> looks really funky.
I prefer that one to the first. It’s kind of like a starfish…
c!rYx, I can see you got your hands on C4D. =)
Not a bad start, keep at it. Soon you’ll be making other stuff beside spikey objects. =)
Btw, did you use the BhodiNut Nukei material on it?
geez, you got me, i just changed some things on the material ;p
I love it, it looks so awesome and I’m lazy ;D
You are laughing at me, cause I just make spikes ;p right ?!?
It bloody nice
with which software did u do that?
i really like them
*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**geez, you got me, i just changed some things on the material ;p
I love it, it looks so awesome and I’m lazy ;D
You are laughing at me, cause I just make spikes ;p right ?!? **
I’m laughing because spikes are the first thing everyone makes when starting with C4D.
I know I’ve made my share of spikes as well.
same with max lol. and prob maya too! they are just easy! but that looks real nice.
niiiiccceee! Wery smoothy cool-looking uymm… thingy!
tx for the responds. One question. It took about 30min to render that one. Isn’t that a little bit to long? I have a 2.4 P4 with 1024GB DDR Ram and 2x120GB Matrox Raid…
When I stop rendering it says something with ‘external raytracer’ is rendering… I think that is new and it really slows it down. Any help ?
i always heard that C4D renders slowly…
actually it is better than 3dmax, and maya should be a little bit faster…
*Originally posted by *
**i always heard that C4D renders slowly… **
Only if your comp is slow.
right and mine is not really slow, so what can i do electron ?!?
This is what you do, you check your PM’s.
i know ;p tx, but there is no optin to deactivate that extra render stuff
hmm ok i didnt know that! thanks!
i love your work, thats awsome
very nice =)
i like the sencond the best
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