My First Fish ^_^

This is my first real modelling in 3dsmax. I have been using 3dsmax for a couple of years now but I havnt really got this serious to it. I know a few special effects and already familiar with the interface but havent really gotten into serious modelling. This was from a tutorial I got and followed the video instructions (add: yeah you can do it too. the video instruction works like a charm hehe. though the lightings etc was not included, i just added a bit of brazil in the scene so it would be cool to look at hehe) just tiring for me hehe, thanksTomaz for pointing this out :slight_smile: **). :}

Here’s another version where i added some shots of the transition of my work.

Here’s another version for the front, right, perspective and back perspective views.

Another version for the top view :slight_smile:

I still havent gotten through texture/mapping tutorials yet so it just looks like a modelled clay hehe. I would appreciate for some suggestions for improvement of my work.

Thanks :slight_smile: