My first Flash attempt

hi, im new to flash animation and have just completed my first flash cartoon and wondered what people wil think of it.

I know it may not seem too good, but i like it. I was basically testing out the effects i could acheive using flash and i have had great fun learning.
It uses only the most basic of action script and needs a loading screen (im working on one right now, thanks to the Kirupa tutorial i found here), so the first time you run it, it may be jerky, but the second time should be fine (hopes).

Who knows, one day i may actually produce something decent…

Dr Zin and Dr Niz

(by the way, it says “part 5”, but thats because the characters used to be in a comic i did for college)

Well, why dont you post it so we can all take a peek at it =) ?

oops, me silly (blushes)

the link is on the post now!
:sigh: [COLOR=orange]range[/COLOR]

pretty wacky!

It’s pretty creative and funny. The “I hate him part” drags on too long though.

hahaha… very funny. i could have nver come up with that

Nice job !
Funny, and A VERY good soundtrack selection!!!
RATM!!! :A+:

*Originally posted by Supree *
**It’s pretty creative and funny. The “I hate him part” drags on too long though. **

yeah, i agree totally. I’ll cut it down for my next update.
I have started on part two now, hopefully that one will turn out better. This first part was really just a practise run.

Thanks for the support by the way guys - means a lot to me!