My first server-side experiment

i just finished making this guestbook. its php/mySQL based, and im pretty excited about it :beam:… sign it if you wish and let me know what do you think


wow that’s pretty cool, you’re gonna show me how to set one up too right? :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks :)…
and EG-
if you wanna make one i can probably help you… add me to your aim or something :slight_smile:


Ok Ahmed, I’ll add you later on tonight when I get home, thanks. =)

What’s that I smell sniff sniff

Is that a TUTORIAL cooking…?

In case you were wondering, that was a HUGE hint :wink:

I like the layout, really nice one.

A tut would be awesome

hm… although im extremely busy and need to focus on my schooling, i’ll still see if i can arrange a little one :slight_smile:

Thanks dude! I cannot wait :slight_smile: