My friend Betty

Is my friend Betty an alcoholic? She drinks two shots of chartreuse every day…

I wouldn’t call 2 shots a day for bad… not good though either.

If I had beer in my fridge all the time, I’d kick back a few beers after work myself.

Doubt she’s an alcoholic. People drink, some just prefer different (high alcohol content) drinks.

heh this is a pretty weird topic for a forum (even random)… not what i expected at all when i saw the title :slight_smile:
I think a lot of it is about whether the person needs the alcohol. There’s nothing wrong with a few drinks, but when you’re drinking everyday of the week, its probably a warning sign. I think they recommend 2 non-alcohol days per week.
Does she get moody and violent when she doesn’t get her drinky? :stuck_out_tongue:

Na, if its not available, she’s fine, but if its there, she’ll slug it down before the waitress has finished handing it over…

I don’t think she’s an alcoholic, but her boyfriend is on her case about it…

thanks :slight_smile:

is she drinking by herself or with other people?

:lol: yep… i know where you’re goin w/ that :smiley:

if she drinks by herself and there is no one around to see her is she still an alcoholic?

both i think…
doesn’t matter. Such a dull thread anyway =)

haha, you’re ridiculous.

sort of on topic: a classic article from the onion… i’m like a chocoholic, but for booze