My G4 Powerbook is Unhealthily Sleepy

Yea so… this started yesterday, and I am ****ing pissed.

Every now and then my 15"PB G4 will fall asleep… randomly… plugged into AC or not, full battery or not, it will just do it willy nilly.
here’s to hoping it won’t do it while I’m typing this

Anyways, looks like I’m going to have to phone Applecare tomorrow… which is always fun, because they LOVE putting you on hold and transferring you around all over the place to end up right where you began again.

Any warm gooshy thoughts or feelings you guys can lend me would be appreciated.

Here’s a nice and juicy link I found on Google, how awesome:

It could be my RAM… I doubled it up a couple months ago, but that, was, a COUPLE MONTHS ago… i’ve got an extra stick laying around, perhaps it would be beneficial for me to swap it all out and see what the deal is. Hrmm…