Hey everybody,
Some of you may remember that a long time ago, I posted up a Flash shooter game I was making. It seemed pretty cool back then, and it was, until I tried moving it forward. After a while I realized that I was driving the project into the ground because of bugs that came out of every corner of my terribly-built code. Lag, unexpected problems, too many darn “if (variable=true)” conditions… etc.
Well, I decided to restart the project, but this time, I wanted to work engine by engine. What this means is that every important part of the game is done seperately, then compiled into a bigger part, which will eventually be added into the game itself. Most of my engines right now are just a couple of blocks of code, stuff like Drag Aiming, which makes an arrow aim at the mouse with an ease, or Quick Movement HitTesting, which makes an object move at such high speeds that only a SetInterval loop can check to see if it’s come into contact with anything yet.
So here it is, one of the most important parts of the game: Weapons Handling. By combining Character Design and Drag Aiming, along with a bunch of animations and new code, I’ve created this beauty. No bugs, no problems, and no lag. The only thing I had to do was make it so that the character can’t aim behind himself, to avoid a massive bug (this will be removed when I make the character turn around when you aim behind him).
Without further ado, go check out the attachment and tell me what you think! Remember, aim in front of the character, reload by pressing R and fire by pressing Left Click. Have fun!
EDIT: Oops, I guess there is quite a bit of lag there, but only because the sound is on high quality and the attachment is around 5x bigger than it should be. I suggest reducing the Flash to low or medium quality.