My loadJPG function doesn't work with "this"

This works:

_global.loadJPG = function (name, mc, x, y) {
createEmptyMovieClip(mc, m++);
_root.[mc].moveTo( x, y);
loadMovie (name, mc);

This doesn’t work:

_global.loadJPG = function (name, mc, x, y) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip(mc, m++);
this[mc].moveTo( x, y);
loadMovie (name, mc);

Why doesn’t “this” work? I need it because this function is not always called from the _root.


Try this:

_global.loadJPG  = function (name, mc, x, y) {
  this.createEmptyMovieClip(mc, m++);
  this[mc].moveTo( x, y);
  this[mc].loadMovie (name);

Any help?

pom :cowboy:

I tried this also, and no luck.

It seems that no empty clip is being created in the first place.

Without the “this” it works.



Well, I’m not sure, but I think that _global is an object. So maybe you’re creating a clip in that object, which may not be possible. I’m just guessing here.

Did you try the function without _global in front?

pom :slight_smile:

ily’s on the money.

_global is not a movie clip and thus doesn’t have the methods that are available to movieclips. try writing it as a movieclip method.

MovieClip.prototype.loadJPG  = function (name, mc, x, y) {
  var clip = this.createEmptyMovieClip(mc, m++);
  clip.moveTo( x, y);
  clip.loadMovie (name);

Great guys this makes sense, and works. Except for the moveTo. It doesn’t seem to take the positioning.

clip.moveTo( x, y);

Doesn’t work

clip._x = x; clip._y = y;

This does?

I guess I can live with. But why?


moveTo is part of the drawing api, not a method to change the x,y of a movieclip.

but given the wording, you could be excused for the mistake. ; )