Hey guys this morning was raining like a bi@tch so off i go to work at 6:30 am while im on the highway the guy up infront of me (bastard) decides to stop all of a sudden so im doing 55 i press teh brakes lower my gear and all of a sudden my car starts friggin spinning like a top right in the middle of the highway, im in the middle lane and i was like oh boy goodbye Grim, i start seeing cars all around me so i try to straighten my car i accomplish to get over to the right lane while the car is still spinning then the guy in back of me gets hit from behind (WHAM) then his car goes straight into mines (WHAM) hitting my poor piece of crap car right in the kisser, well we were all very fortunate my Pops Grimreaper was looking for someone else to take with him at 6:50 in the AM otherwise i wouldnt be here posting this thread now, the car that hit the car that hit me got fu@ked up wouldnt even start the guy that hit me his car was running but my car was teh best almost had no damage at all the insurance people were like wtf nothing happened to your cheap azz car, so i spent the whole morning in the insurance company getting that straightened out and the afternoon at the hospital getting x-rayed and getting medicine for my newly accquired backpain. Now i gotta check if the car has double interest to see if i can get it fixed and have it looking purty again otherwise i think the bank account has all of sudden gone to 0 :-\ oh well at least i lived to post it lmao
heres what my car looked like
and this is what it looks like now
i liked it better before the redisign rotflmao