I just bought my first laptop… I’ve always been a tower lover in the past since they are easy to build and you can get lots of power for cheap. However I’ve always wanted to get a notebook so I can be more mobile, and it is everything I thought and more - now I have my tower setup in my room and my notebook to take anywhere I go, with a firewire connection between them it is like having a cloned computer = SWEET.
Anyway, I got a SONY VAIO… 2.7 GHZ, 512 Meg RAM (upgrading to 1024 Megs next week), 40 Gig Hard, 17" LCD, XP-Pro, etc., along with any extras you can think of… I must say I am impressed with SONY right now. Comments?
The notebook, plus a sweet backpack/case by Targus, optical USB wireless mouse by Targus, Norton Firewall & Virus software, and a 3 year warrenty upgrade it was around $1800.00 US - it is really great having it, I’m glad I finally got it! =)
Nice piece of hardware you got there ryall. Personally, i wouldn’t use wireless, using that was one of the worst computer experiences of my life. Congrats.
If 410 students are in need of laptops the import-people are glad to cut something of the normal student price (that is low to begin with). But i could’ve made a calculating error, so it could be 2000 $.