My New Web Gallery

Hey there,

I know that there are many web galleries out on the internet at the moment, but i am making one that is going to be much more sophisticated than most of the list here…

Basically, people will be able to submit Websites, a swell as logos. But i need your help.

What else shall i let them submit?

Websites, Logos then maybe icons, wallpapers, vectors? Please help me choose.


Ok, ive decided to go with This was the old style logo…

Ive been doing alot of research with colours, and fonts and i have come up with 2 logos that each have a different colour. Please tell me what ones best. If you dont like any of the colours then please can you maybe give me a few colour codes to try out on the logo. :slight_smile:

That name is going to be rough to work with. Here’s why:

[]There are many ways it can be pronounced
]Whatever pronuciation you choose will have many different spellings
[*]It doesn’t seem like total gibberish (i.e. Google) - since you’ve split it up into two “words” - neither of which mean a thing.

As far as the design, it looks stock, boring, and utterly cliche. :thumb:

What does it mean? What does it have to do with the app/website you’re building? What would make your target audience look at this and say “yeah, that’s what I need”?

You really need to ask yourself these questions, man. I get the feeling you kind of just want something neat sounding that looks web 2.0-ish, but that’s really going about it all back-asswards. Neat-sounding logos/names are all well and good, but if they don’t have roots in something real and well thought-out, then it’s just gibberish.

What does “ive” mean??? I know you said it’s a “design word”, but I don’t know what that means! What makes something a “design word” anyway? Are we speaking the same language here?

Separating out the au like that makes me think it has something to do with Australia since au is Australia’s top level domain.

Well at least your honest. Also, i dont think .au is a domain suffix. Its

And maybe i should highlight just the i in one colour and the veau in another?

iveau is pronounced i view

There are other ones avaliable like and


[quote=Andy92;2323865]Well at least your honest. Also, i dont think .au is a domain suffix. Its

And maybe i should highlight just the i in one colour and the veau in another?

iveau is pronounced i view

There are other ones avaliable like and



Buddy, no offense, but you might as well just call it

Of course, that wouldn’t do because it’s more than 5 letters, but you get my point :smiley:

I get what you mean.

But i like thease 3 also because they are pronounced view then with an r (like flickr) and e or an a and i like all 3…

[quote=Andy92;2323865]Well at least your honest. Also, i dont think .au is a domain suffix. Its

And maybe i should highlight just the i in one colour and the veau in another?

iveau is pronounced i view

There are other ones avaliable like and


.au is a domain prefix… .com is a subdomain there is etc for that reason

Also “coming soon” looks like “comina soon”…

dude seriously this is going nowhere- it’s been the same thing for the past bunch of posts…

It doesn’t even scream web gallery - and why is it ‘beta’. Do you even know what that means? If you are still developing it, it would be in private alpha first. Don’t just whack buzzwords in there because you’ve seen them around

Also, the icon now reminds me of favup.

You have to reallllllllly find a way to represent this thing metaphorically. And pulling a name out of your butt just means you didn’t put a whole bunch of thought into it.

Go go go go ! be creative!

^ Ditto that. (And most of the previous post.)

Like Pasquale says, this design is going nowhere, you haven’t taken any of our suggestions (Font, size, etc.) into account and have merely been spitting out almost mirror images at us as fast as possible. Instead of jumbling up random letters that make no sense whatsoever focus on a name that really identifies what it is that you’ve made. I don’t care if the domain name ends up being over 5 letters (Which you seem to have an aversion to.) as long as the product there is well branded, well designed, usable, and overall… good! If you want to make something like that you’re going to have to start taking people’s advice seriously.

Take people’s advice; Pasquale, Anogar, and other members have both given you some excellent advice on what you need to do and what you need to change to make it better.

Andy, the problem is not only are the names not catchy and meaningless, but the word looks French and therefore isn’t pronounced “view”. When I saw that word, I thought of it as “bo” like “beau” in French meaning handsome.

Also if you told people about it word of mouth, and they didn’t see it written down, do you REALLY think they’re going to remember it, and how it’s spelled? Not likely.

considering how many people dislike it already, it would probably be a good idea to change it.

The domain is available, it makes sense, you can use a heart as your logo. You can set up a cute little rating system on the website using hearts instead of stars. Its perfect. You are gonna have to get over the fact that it is not 5 letters long tho.

Also is available as well. This way people can’t forget your url. Also you seem way to focused on SEO and money then quality content. If you check out sites that make alot of money, they focus on content rather then SEO.

Edit: You owe me 3 dollars.

The man speaketh the truth Andy.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, that all the sites that have made good money are actually offering a very good product/service, and more often than not are very original.

You don’t get cheap, make a quick buck sites turning over thousands and millions.

They have to be good enough to maintain a sustained userbase, be popular, be memorable, in order to rake in advertising revenue.

Thanks for all your replies and feedback.

I see exactly what you all mean. But look at Flickr, thats like ???

It isn’t Andy.

Flick is actually a word, and it just has an R tagged on the end.

Veau isn’t even a word, and some people won’t even know how to pronounce, if you pronounce it French style it becomes Vo.

Veaur just looks and sounds weird, but not in a good way.

Why are you so fixated on 5 letters by the way?

Im really not. 6 - 8 letters is fine also.

Have you got any name suggestions? I dont like

Then use

Ether way, you are gonna have to break some css rules. Not have any site visitors within the first year.

If you use that one, you can have it be like digg except for xhtml & css accessible designs.

[quote=Andy92;2320514]Ok, well i have been told at another forum (much bigger than kirupa), that if i develop into a site then it will be worth $1000s.

But i dont know if is the right name. What about ?[/quote]

Can i give you a little advise? You say someone said that the idea would be worth $1000’s? Well stop telling everyone your proposed domain names before someone buys it and tries to sell it back to you for $1000’s. And to be honest with you, I’ve gone to a lot of boards, some bigger and some smaller. But kirupa has been the most honest in my opinion. Maybe not what you want to hear, but the truth.

If you really need a “Web 2.0” name like flickr, then why don’t you use something like or Or maybe something that isn’t missing any letters like or At least then I’d be able to pronounce the name of your website…

It took me like 30 seconds to come up with those, you can do it! You just need to broaden your thinking.

And yes those were all free at the time that I wrote this.