just a site i play around with designs for.
due to the fact that the latest version has fixed positioning and transparent .png files, i made an ie version and a non-ie version. you will automatically be forwarded.
could you please give me some comments and criticism on my site. preferably viewed with firefox or safari (and other non-ie browsers).
Well I have IE (Will probably won’t go to FF or Safari ever just because I don’t care about them) and it just looks like another Blog to me. It’s plain and Pink with White do not work well together.
I didn’t get to look at the FF/Safari versions because I haven’t installed FF yet since my formatting. However I suggest you try and work more towards a cross-browser site since most people use Internet Explorer. So here’s my thoughts on the IE Version:
-I like the colors and the layout but I can’t help but feel like it needs something more.
-The color choice function was fun but it should be labeled better or more visable. I almost skipped over it till I looked at the site again.
-Perhaps add something to your header, it’s too blank and even just something simple like a logo could spruce it up nicely. I liked your work, you should try your hand at some flash animation. Have you tried adding the black border to the header as well or at least some border. It looks out of place with the border around the content.
-The links at the bottom right are fine, but a little too far spaced and once again could use to be labeled.
-There’s a little too much space between the header and the content as well, it causes too much scrolling to get to all the content.