My problem with XML.... please explain

I have avoided xml for a long while, because it reminded me html which I don’t like, and because I didn’t see much value in it.

I mean, from what I can tell, the main reason for it’s use in flash is to have the ability to keep your images and text outside of the flash and organized with one file, that is easier to change around for a non webmaster type.

But in all the XML video tutorials that I’ve seen, they show some really simple things…like, yeah the thumbnails and text and images are being brought in using XML. But there are no roll over effects, things don’t fade in, no transitions. It’s pretty clunky.

I guess I’m wondering if it’s possible to load XML content into movieclips that I can then control…once the item has been successfully loaded in. Like, can I load in an image to a movie clip that has it’s alpha off, and then when the xml has loaded, I can fade it up?

I suppose I’d also appreciate any advice on how to house the content? Do I dynamically create movie clips to contain the incoming image/text?

Any tips on that would be appreciated.


There is no functional difference between the visuals of a site that gets data with XML as opposed to any other method. XML is just a way to pull in external **string **data - what you do with it once you’ve got it loaded is your call.

Externally loading images works about how you described - once you’ve got the image loaded you can transition it in however you like. :thumb: