My reSize() using $tweenManager problems

Hi guys, good afternoon to you all.

I would like some help if possible.

Ive been working with tween Manager (the laco and robert penner tween proto) and i found simply using the scaleTo function on images which have drop shadows causes distortion. So did some searching and found a resize function which implements the tween manager tween function.

It works well, BUT I would like some help in converting it into a class or prototype , even better build it into tween manager so I can call it like the scaleTo function. I call it frequently for transitions ive created which is why i would like to be able to call it simply

Anyway script is below and ive pasted a fla…Thanks in advance

border = 30;
_swidth = 400;
_sheight = 400;

function init(){
trace(this + "_sheight:"+_sheight);
mcs = [t_mc, b_mc, l_mc, r_mc, tl_mc, tr_mc, bl_mc, br_mc];

	t_mc._height = border;
	b_mc._height = border;
	l_mc._width = border;
	r_mc._width = border;
	tl_mc._width = border;
	tl_mc._height = border;
	tr_mc._width = border;
	tr_mc._height = border;
	bl_mc._width = border;
	bl_mc._height = border;
	br_mc._width = border;
	br_mc._height = border;
	setSize(_swidth, _sheight);

// sets size 
function setSize(width, height) {
	var w = width-2*border;
	var h = height-2*border;
	c_mc._width = w;
	c_mc._height = h;
	tr_mc._x = w/2;
	tr_mc._y = -h/2;
	br_mc._x = w/2;
	br_mc._y = h/2;
	bl_mc._x = -w/2;
	bl_mc._y = h/2;
	tl_mc._x = -w/2;
	tl_mc._y = -h/2;
	t_mc._width = w;
	t_mc._x = -w/2;
	t_mc._y = -h/2;
	b_mc._width = w;
	b_mc._x = -w/2;
	b_mc._y = h/2;
	l_mc._height = h;
	l_mc._x = -w/2;
	l_mc._y = -h/2;
	r_mc._height = h;
	r_mc._x = w/2;
	r_mc._y = -h/2;
// sets size with tween
resize_controller = {};
resize_controller.onTweenEnd = function() {
resize_controller.onTweenUpdate = function(mc) {
	var w = Math.floor(c_mc._width);
	var h = Math.floor(c_mc._height);
	tr_mc._x = w/2;
	tr_mc._y = -h/2;
	br_mc._x = w/2;
	br_mc._y = h/2;
	bl_mc._x = -w/2;
	bl_mc._y = h/2;
	tl_mc._x = -w/2;
	tl_mc._y = -h/2;
	t_mc._width = w;
	t_mc._x = -w/2;
	t_mc._y = -h/2;
	b_mc._width = w;
	b_mc._x = -w/2;
	b_mc._y = h/2;
	l_mc._height = h;
	l_mc._x = -w/2;
	l_mc._y = -h/2;
	r_mc._height = h;
	r_mc._x = w/2;
	r_mc._y = -h/2;
color_controller = {};
color_controller.onTweenUpdate = function() {
	var ct = this.color.getTransform();
	for (var i in clrs) {
var clrs = [];
for (var i in mcs) {
	clrs* = new Color(mcs*.gr);
color_controller.clrs = clrs;
color_controller.color = new Color(c_mc);
//---------------------------------------------------- public functions
function resizeTo(width, height, dur, style, delay, callback) {
	trace("resize in "+this+" called");
	c_mc.tween(['_width', '_height'], [width-2*border+9, height-2*border+9], dur, style, delay, callback);
function tintTo(clr, dur, style, delay, callback) {
	c_mc.colorTo(clr, dur, style, delay, callback);