My Simple Beginner Questions

Hey there,

At age 13 I took a course on Director, and when Flash first came out I played around with it but never really got deep into it. I made a couple menus and some fun animations but nothing serious. So fast forward 10 years and I now have this job, and my boss wants me to make some simple flash ads. I will post some simple questions here in this thread every now and then, if anyone could give me some helpful tips or point me to some links I’d be very grateful.

I was given a PSD file with the graphics already made and laid out for me, now it is my job to put the animation together in flash and add some nice transitions. I select each part from the psd and save them as individual jpg images and then import them to my flash library.

  1. I have a blue dot with a transparent background, and when I save it to jpg it automatically gets a white background, which overlaps the orange background in my animation. Is there any layer properties I could change that could set it to multiply like in Photoshop?

  2. What is the best way to make a single 1 pixel border around my flash?

  3. How can I stop the animation from looping?

Thanks very much! :slight_smile: