:block: Hey people, take a look to my site. REDXDESIGN.COM
New and improved. Sugestions anyone? Thanks!
PS: Can you PLEASE live a respond?
:block: Hey people, take a look to my site. REDXDESIGN.COM
New and improved. Sugestions anyone? Thanks!
PS: Can you PLEASE live a respond?
OK people is been 2 days and nothing Common, I think it looks good? Let me know:skull:
Some of your images are a bit pixelated and I don’t really like those buttons at the bottom.
Be a little more specific, the fact that something does not help me to make it better. Be more design and problem solving minded. Thank you
Well for one your images needs help, they’re too pixelated so it doesn’t look too clean at all. Try bumping up the quality either in flash or whatever program you used to edit those images.
As for the buttons at the bottom, I don’t like them for 2 reasons.
Ashthetically, they’re an eye sore because they create a grid at the bottom.
They’re not labeled so I have no idea where each of those buttons link too. If you’re going to keep them then atleast label them in some sort of fashion so that the viewer knows where they link to.
The buttons on the home page are not suppose to link to anything, they are part of the design. The rectangles at the button are links in the inside pages. I do not like to explain al at the same time. I like when the user explores by him/her self and discover things by they own.
Thank you for the commentaries I appreciate u taking the time
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