i have decited to go ahead with version 2!! This site is going to have alot more special effects, and mabye even action script:beam: . I am really testing my Flash knowledge with this site. I am hopefully going to be done by May 12, 03. But thats only if everything works out as planned.
So far i have been working on this for weeks and countless hours, I wasnt sure until a couple of days ago, if i should anounce it, but i decited to.
I am also in need of links or buttons on my site, i have a bigger section then i had before. So if you want to advertise on my site, send me the info at info@alexsdesigns.net and we could trade links also.
So if any one can help, it would be greatfully appriciated.!
1). Have your site “come out” on May 15. Thats when the Matrix comes out, can’t beat that day :).
2). I wouldn’t post my e-mail like that, the spam bots will get it. Post it as like info @alexdesigns.net Fools the spam bots but not people (well most people anyways).
Thats about all I’m good for help-wise though :).
good luck, hope you finish it and it is a great site and does well.
Alex it sounds cool. I thought your last site was really good for a first site, and now a second one, there can be a lot of expecatations.
I still havent hit my first flash site yet, i just have an html site, but i plan to take on actionscript over the summer, where i don’t have to worry about school.
Yea, i hope everyone likes it when it comes out. I have spent so much time on this. I have alot of tweening to - something that i havent been doing alot lately
i hope everyones expecatations are not to high, im still in the learning process.