Hello everyone! I have a site www.usa4kids.com its about 1 1/2 years old and i did it as a senior project for school, now almost 2 years later i go to update it with new content and i relize my code is so horrible to look at it makes me sick lol. Soooooooooooo. i have been redesigning it because fixing the issues i currently have with it would take way to long and a redesign and a but load of copy and pasting would go a lot faster. My problem is I at the moment I suffer from inspiration-losis (lack of inspiration).
The site is all me not for a client or anything like that just my little piece of the internet.
here is my current redesign leme know what you think.
rip it apart, tear it a new one ,suggest, insult the whole 9 yards… haha i can take it =)