My Smilies

Hey guys, I made a few smilies :slight_smile:

… The monkeys taking my soul…

… It’s jumping in an invisible box…

… It’s enjoying a sunbathe when…

My first attempt really, what you think? :bounce:

  • Soul :goatee:

what do you use to make them. such as the animation. etc…:beam:


lol cool! Funny little smilies! But I don’t get the third one! What is that goo that’s falling on the guy’s face?

phil that would be an ActionScript type thing. and i think its suntan lotion. could be wrong. look nice!

lol its meant to be bird poo

  • Soul :goatee:

mix some white then…

hahah cool, we have another smiley maker now. =)

Hmm… Breeding Smilies…

I think I could work on this for my footer… lmao