How do I make one of those custom smiles people have in the forums… well I know how to make it, but how do I get them in the smile archive.
magic beans
with oregano, throw in some camel for fun
If you make it, and it is cool, there is a chance Kman will include it…
Slim chance. And even slimmer for animated smilies. Unless you make the coolest animated smily like… ever, don’t count on it.
Ok thank you! xxviii, hahhahahahah.
stolen smilies: :block: :tie: :esmirk: I:-)
[hint]the coolest animated smily ever would involve llamas[/hint]
…I think he’s lying.
[don’t listen to Aislin]NONONONONO I would NEVER lie, I know all![/don’t listen to Aislin]
[xxvii should go earn a cookie somewhere] He’s lying. [/xxvii should go earn a cookie somewhere]
i wanna cookie
how do i win?
do you hate me???
i like chocolate!!
[color=F0F0F0]I’m getting tired of all this spam…[/color]
mike, you theif! i created 3 of those smilies the other day… hmm
i like the detail in yours…
cheere man!!!