My transitions don´t work sometimes...(voets tut again)

I´m using this AS for my buttons (thanks voets):

[AS]on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = “servicios”;
} else if (_root.currMovie != “servicios”) {
if (container._currentframe == container.midframe) {
_root.currMovie = “servicios”;;

but sometimes when I clic on a button my site restarts and sometimes works ok, and I have no idea what to do… here´s the incomplete version of the site maybe it´ll work for u maybe not… help me please, thanks!

None of the buttons were working, and pressing Experimentos restarted your site. I can’t really tell what’s going wrong by seeing the site. Can you provide your FLA’s so I can have a look at them ?

only servicios, portafolio and experimentos have animations at the moment, can I send u my FLA in a PM? That´s exactly the problem…sometimes doesn´t matter the button the site restarts

voetsjoeba can you please explain your transiton code (and tell me where I can find the complete code). I think I can understand up until the part of the AS that was posted above.


why I can´t attach my file??

Here´s the thread

*Originally posted by mlkedave *
**voetsjoeba can you please explain your transiton code (and tell me where I can find the complete code). I think I can understand up until the part of the AS that was posted above.

Mike **

I’m converting it into a tutorial. It should be up soon.

cool, that tutorial will be great Voets. :thumb:

:: berkoWitZ :: hey dude, site is looking good,
Did i inspire the shape of your nav gismo u have there? :wink:

*Originally posted by …::Soulty::… *

:: berkoWitZ :: hey dude, site is looking good,
Did i inspire the shape of your nav gismo u have there? :wink: **

jeje, maybe… :wink: thanks for the comment, but I´m still having problem with the AS and I can attach files to see if soemone can notice what I´m doing wrong

the buttons

and an external swf
It works when u preview it, but sometimes the site restarts when I upload it on the web
Pls take a look voets, thanks!

voets, in your upcoming tutorial can you show how to incorporate the preloader tutorial (or just show how to make transitions with preloader bars). Thanks very much for putting in the time.


voets! very very sorry to bother u! pls take a look at the FLA´S and help me, thanks! and sorry again

I’ll need all the FLA’s. I can’t do much with just one :-/


and experimentos…

that´s it

I don’t see anything wrong with it … you said it restarted when you upload the file - can you show me ?

here , sometimes the site restarts when I clic in a button, today I´m noticing that it´s working ok, check the site and tell me if this happen to u