My transitions don´t work sometimes...(voets tut again)

I´m using this AS for my buttons (thanks voets):

[AS]on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = “servicios”;
} else if (_root.currMovie != “servicios”) {
if (container._currentframe == container.midframe) {
_root.currMovie = “servicios”;;

but sometimes when I clic on a button my site restarts and sometimes works ok, and I have no idea what to do… here´s the incomplete version of the site maybe it´ll work for u maybe not… help me please, thanks!

None of the buttons were working, and pressing Experimentos restarted your site. I can’t really tell what’s going wrong by seeing the site. Can you provide your FLA’s so I can have a look at them ?

only servicios, portafolio and experimentos have animations at the moment, can I send u my FLA in a PM? That´s exactly the problem…sometimes doesn´t matter the button the site restarts

voetsjoeba can you please explain your transiton code (and tell me where I can find the complete code). I think I can understand up until the part of the AS that was posted above.


why I can´t attach my file??

Here´s the thread

*Originally posted by mlkedave *
**voetsjoeba can you please explain your transiton code (and tell me where I can find the complete code). I think I can understand up until the part of the AS that was posted above.

Mike **

I’m converting it into a tutorial. It should be up soon.

cool, that tutorial will be great Voets. :thumb:

:: berkoWitZ :: hey dude, site is looking good,
Did i inspire the shape of your nav gismo u have there? :wink:

*Originally posted by …::Soulty::… *

:: berkoWitZ :: hey dude, site is looking good,
Did i inspire the shape of your nav gismo u have there? :wink: **

jeje, maybe… :wink: thanks for the comment, but I´m still having problem with the AS and I can attach files to see if soemone can notice what I´m doing wrong

here , sometimes the site restarts when I clic in a button, today I´m noticing that it´s working ok, check the site and tell me if this happen to u