Hello all,
I have made a weather widget using a really good tutorial from the tech labs that connects to www.weather.com and retrieves an XML file and then displays the info. If anyone is interested the link is:
It works fine when I test it in Flash but when I publish it to my local server (I am using MAMP) it won’t run. It seams to be trying to connect to the website but something is stopping it. Here is my AS3 code:
//allow domains
Security.allowDomain("*", "xoap.weather.com");
//ini settings
icons_mc.visible = false;
var weather_xml_url:String = "http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/UKXX0146?cc=*&dayf=5&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=1112820817&key=d779b6bc4e05ee58&unit=m";
var weather:XML = new XML();
var weather_url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(weather_xml_url);
var weatherLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(weather_url);
weatherLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, weatherLoaded);
function weatherLoaded(e:Event):void
weather = XML(weatherLoader.data);
temp_txt.text = weather.cc.tmp;
icons_mc.visible = true;
var weather_icon:int = Number(weather.cc.icon.toString())+1;
//set the complementary text
var ud:String = weather.head.ud;
var us:String = weather.head.us;
var city:String = weather.loc.dnam;
var time:String = weather.loc.tm;
var sunrise:String = weather.loc.sunr;
var sunset:String = weather.loc.suns;
var temp:String = weather.cc.tmp;
var flik:String = weather.cc.flik;
var update:String = weather.cc.lsup;
var term:String;
var wind_v:String = weather.cc.wind.s;
var wind_gust:String = weather.cc.wind.gust;
var wind_d:String = weather.cc.wind.d;
var wind_t:String = weather.cc.wind.t;
var hmid:String = weather.cc.hmid;
var vis:String = weather.cc.vis;
visability_txt.text = vis+" "+ud;
time_txt.text = time;
winddirect_txt.text = wind_t;
windspd_txt.text = wind_v+" "+us;
sunrise_txt.text = sunrise;
sunset_txt.text = sunset;
update_txt.text = "Forecast last updated at "+update;
Any help would be really appreciated?
Thank you