My work

Well I just thought I would post some of my art stuff. I have a few more pieces that I need to scan into my computer and post but I’m waiting until I get my own domain name and make my own website before I do that. Here is the link:

Its on angelfire, a free host and some of the images don’t open into new windows correctly. I should remake the page on my friends server so it would be more user-friendly… oh well…tough! Most of these are from a couple of years ago. A couple are from last year. I kind of stopped drawing anything because of a bad experience with a girlfriend that I had, and it kind of got me off of art, but I’m slowly starting to get back into it again.

I’m starting to doodle again during class like I used to, and that progressed into actual art, so maybe I’ll start making good stuff again… oh well…

I like using BIC pens for most of my art stuff, or sharpie markers. It makes it harder, less margin for error…

Let me know what you think…I may end up scanning my other stuff over vacation if anyone is at all interested in see it…I have a couple of weird things and a couple of dragons. I am obsessed with dragons…unbelieveably obsessed…


hey jubba! i would love to see more of your drawings, they are really good…you did these in class?
i too have started doodling in class, i was never good at drawing before but i hope to improve over time.
i too was fascinated with dragons one time, i couldn’t draw them or anything but the curiosty of whether dragons could exist was so strong…
well anyways i hope to see more drawings from you and keep up the good work! <:}

No I didn’t do these in class, what I meant was that my interest in drawing began with doodling in class and then it progressed into more elaborate works. Then I turned away from drawing for a long time, and lately I just began doodling in class again… Most of the ideas that I got came from doodling in class…

Very nice Jubba, I like the one on the bottom of your page and the one with the guy sitting in a boat. =)

i like the creature

i’m a huge comic book fan so drawings like these i luv

Nice sh*t Jubba, glad to see someone here plays StarCraft.

Morse: LOL Starcraft…haven’t played that in a while. Yeah I thought the infested terran looked really cool so I drew it with white chalk on black paper. I use some really strange media sometimes…

EGeek: That was the only painting I ever did, and I Really don’t think that it came out that bad, so I was going to start painting a little bit more, but I never had the chance…I never have free time anymore… ■■■■ education.

Mak: Yeah I really enjoyed drawing that. It was on a huge piece of posterboard, I think it was 1.5 feet by 3 feet, and took me two week. 2 days to draw the black outline, and then 12 days to color with colored pencils and chalk…took forever, but it was well worth it…

i have never been able to infest a teran base… never

I have, but its really no use. Infested Terrans aren’t very useful. They usually die before they hurt anything…

Great stuff Jubba :slight_smile: