I’m a newbie using PHP and mySQL. I’ve managed to make a database from DOS promt and the installation of
mySQL and PHP. But I can’t read the data from the database
I’ve done some sites using ASP and MS Access. Is there any ODBC driver installation
needed to Run PHP and mySQL. Actuall the code and information i’ve retyped in notepad
so any mistakes in the code apologised.
Is this portion need any change
<?php $db = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root");
mysql_select_db ("mydb", $db);
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM employees", $db);
printf ("First Name : %s s<br>
", mysql_result ($ result, 0, "first"));
In the mySQL tab environment showing like this
Localhost Name : ASD
Local Computer Name: abc
Local IP Address :
Not Found
Driver 3.51 Not found
UserName = abhilash
Password = inertia
Any suggestion will really appreciable. Thanks in advance