
Ok guys, I’ve been thinking that I need a name that I could eventually use as a buisness name, even though I’m still young I’m thinking now, I thought up a couple but didn’t like many of them, my favorite is… IdleGods, I wasn’t sure if it was to sac-religious or not though but I didn’t think so. Let me know what you think thanks.

what are you skilled in? flash, photoshop etc?

welcome to the forums:slight_smile:

If I were you unless your amazing at whatever it is your offering, I’d steer clear of religious names and things. I can’t really help you with the name, I just feel that religiously named businesses aren’t the greatest thing out there.

I agree with xxviii. I wouldn’t use it. To me, it sounds a bit unprofessional.

Alright, I’ll keep thinking, and I pretty much use everything, at least I did in school. I only have flash at home but during the school year I used photoshop too.

i have always been a big fan of

“cactus love”

also…your footer has way too much movement to it…tone it down a bit…


Rev. once said it, and I think it makes sence,
Just use your name!

Its true it makes you stand out of the rest with people with “design(s)” in their titles… stuff thats just well … overused…

flashycalli, somehow I think not, your obviously a fan of the flashing, I like the footer though. I’ll stick with my name for now, although Calli isn’t my real name. I’ll use it.