Ok. I’m making a new website (that is really awesome of course) and I was pondering names. I was feeling the whole “Digitally” thing so I came up with “Digitally Enhanced.” However, my friend said it sounded like something that I shall not say right here (like something to do with enlargement if you catch my drift :beam: ) so then he recommended Digitally Amplified or Digitally Accelerated. Now I’m stuck. Tell me which of those are best and give some ideas of your own. Thanks :rambo:
EBirth already posted a thread, and he got a huge replies and many names:
how bout digitally extreme?
Hmmm. that’s a pretty good idea. One question though. Does when someone say “Digitally Enhanced” it sound bad or good? I’m just checking because if he is the only one that feels that way when he hears it then it’s not worth changing.
sounds okay to me but it sounds more like some sound company…only people with a mind set like ur friends think digitally enhanced would be…you know
Ok Ok I got it. It’s perfect…literally.
As I was playing my video game I thought of it:
“Digital Perfection”
The only problem is with a google search there are some other sites named Digital Perfection. Do you think it’s ok? These are mainly sites that are unimportant, ya know: anime etc.
yea that has a nice ring to it! but if its taken you might not want it since they could you know…sue you
how about digital heaven…probably taken, if u cant figure it out something will come like it came when u were playing ur game
Is there a special reason for using “digital?”
It seems to be way overused…
but then, who knows…
how about “digital upgrade”
or just “digital up” for that hipster quality
Oh, well…
rev ur avatar looks freaky at first i thought that sumthing inside the egg was trying to get out then i noticed it was an eye maybe you need to distinuguish between eyelid make it darker its fun putting no periods oh how i hate school
stick your head out da weendo and breath!
I tink you been smelling bad smoke bruddah…
if u wanna watch Phil you gotta make eye go 360 degrees he can sneak up behind you and make you drop the soap!!! kidding Phil…i know u got ur own island i respect people with their own islands
that’s where the other eye is…
you just can’t see it…
Digitally Amplified [COLOR=red]
I’m thinking about it. I could get rid of the digitally part. Well…thinking Thanks everyone
Thats what i would use:)