Nature Photography - My first entry


This is my first entry. Comments and/or critiques are VERY welcome!

EDIT: I’ve made some modifications as you suggested. Thaks for your input!

really nice man, im impressed.

good job. the graphics are nice, the fonts and colours are apropiate and beautifull but the title is to small… (and don’t think that i’m gelous but… come on: nater isn’t all about flowers, even if it is “monthly special”). ignoring that, it deserves a spot in the top. good perspective. u cud fix these leaks and post it again!! :cowboy:

Looks really nice armored! Your entry might look better without the roll of film at the bottom, but that is only a minor gripe.

Really? I like the film strip at the bottom - then again what do I know :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyways it looks great overall :thumb:

I think the UPC should go on the bottom, and the film strip going across the top, and the small info on the top also to move to the bottom

Red text on Red picture :frowning:


Thanks for the comments everyone!

Have a sleep over it I might change the position of the film strip. Maybe having it go across the page… I don’t know…

I also tried several colors for the text but none was really working out so I settled for orrange (#FF8000) and grey (#8C8C8C).

nonsense… i like the film strip. it gives it that oldstyle look and goes in harmony with the theme:rabbit:

i like the cover page… i’d buy this magzine :slight_smile:

I don’t like the font choice for the story listings. Other than that looks pretty good.

I don’t like the font you’ve used at the top. It looks ok large, and in small-caps, but small and normal just reminds me of flub-- Anyway, I think the colour of the ‘Capturing nature at it’s best’ text would be better… Some other colour.
But apart from that, it’s good. Good job.

The text placement is great; however, the colors (to me) seem to get lost within that vividly colored photograph.

Thats really very nice… Looks really fresh and bright…Great job

wow, i have no idea what im up against do i? im probably the youngest one here :ne: great job!